Presentation of the Training Organization :
The company Ets. François ABELARD ENGINEERING, created in 1980, specializing in the study and construction of industrial machines, optimizes the safety and use of equipment (produced by itself or by other firms) by offering training adapted to professional levels existing in the profession on the one hand and at expected levels on the other hand.
The trainee, personally, improves his skills. He can apply for a qualified job. If he is already working, improving his skills allows him to have more responsibilities within the company.
The training courses are prepared in partnership with our clients who state the objectives to be achieved, in consultation with the trainee who shares their skills with us.
The training always meets the primary requirements:
– responsiveness, because industrial companies suffer from a considerable lack of qualified personnel
– quality, because the training meets a well-defined level of competence which will be achieved
– involvement, because the training is intended to be accessible to everyone, including trainees with a disability who demonstrate a demonstrated desire
Manager / Educational referent: François Abélard
François Abélard, industrial specialist, shares with you more than 30 years of career marked by the loyalty of his customers
Life of the intern:
The trainer, educational referent, remains constantly attentive to the trainees. It helps you plan your accommodation and dining times.
It also helps you with any travel difficulties you may encounter.
Person with a disability: a place is available to you. You can contact us on 06 68 654585 or by email: so that we can take care of you.
Further information :
The teaching methods used by the trainer are referenced in the program sheet given to learners and can be adapted according to the constitution of the group, depending on the message to be transmitted or the intended target of learners. They can be, for example:
– affirmative, based on the presentation, this method is used by the trainer during training, for information actions or for theoretical contributions. The trainer ensures in his intervention, to structure his speech to allow easier and more effective assimilation, to demonstrate clarity to be accessible and understandable by all, to illustrate the theoretical contributions with images, comparisons and anecdotes to make the presentation more lively and facilitate understanding and memorization. The trainer also provides time for questions.
– interrogative, allows participants to discover new content for themselves. The trainer transmits knowledge through questions that allow participants to think and find relevant answers. He uses reformulation to ensure good mutual understanding and push participants to follow through on their ideas. The trainer thus ensures that everyone participates.
– demonstrative, participants learn by doing since this method is based on exercises.
The trainer can thus show the exercise to be carried out and then break down each step to be carried out by detailing the key points of the demonstration.
He has the participants do the exercise and does it again with them in order to correct any misunderstandings and/or awkwardness. It is important that the trainer can use the materials that the learners will use in their workplace.
– application, with this method, participants implement what they have just learned. This is possible through exercises, case studies, adapted games, role plays, simulations.
– the heuristic method which arouses the imagination of learners to lead them to new discoveries.
Different techniques can be used such as brainstorming which leads the group to express themselves on a given subject while the trainer writes the different thoughts on the board in a synthetic manner in order to highlight the knowledge, complete it and draw general conclusions. The trainer can also insert a disaster scenario to get the group to imagine the irreparable acts that could occur in a given situation and invites the group to find out what should be done to deal with these situations.